Booking request for Kayak paradise Sankt Anna
Start: date, approximate start time
Return, date and time
Your phone nr
Your email address
Kayak 1
Single or double kayak?
Standard rudder single kayak
Kevlar/fiberglass skeg kayak
Plastic double kayak
Plastic triple kayak
Fiberglass big double kayak
Kids single rudder kayak
Kayak experience, appr. body size
Are you a beginner or have you any kayak expereince? Please write approximate body size of the kayaker (in order to reserve a kayak in the right size)
Kayak model wishes?
Let us know if you have a specific kayak you want to rent
Kayak 2
Single or double kayak?
Standard rudder single kayak
Kevlar/fiberglass skeg kayak
Plastic double kayak
Plastic triple kayak
Fiberglass big double kayak
Kids single rudder kayak
Kayak experience, appr. body size
Are you a beginner or have you any kayak expereince? Please write approximate body size of the kayaker (in order to reserve a kayak in the right size)
Kayak model wishes?
Let us know if you have a specific kayak you want to rent
Kayak 3
Single or double kayak?
Standard rudder single kayak
Kevlar/fiberglass skeg kayak
Plastic double kayak
Plastic triple kayak
Fiberglass big double kayak
Kids single rudder kayak
Kayak experience, appr. body size
Are you a beginner or have you any kayak expereince? Please write approximate body size of the kayaker (in order to reserve a kayak in the right size)
Kayak model wishes?
Let us know if you have a specific kayak you want to rent
Kayak 4
Single or double kayak?
Standard rudder single kayak
Kevlar/fiberglass skeg kayak
Plastic double kayak
Plastic triple kayak
Fiberglass big double kayak
Kids single rudder kayak
Kayak experience, appr. body size
Are you a beginner or have you any kayak expereince? Please write approximate body size of the kayaker (in order to reserve a kayak in the right size)
Kayak model wishes?
Let us know if you have a specific kayak you want to rent
Camping gear
No need to rent camping equipment
Would like to rent full camping package including sleeping bag
Would like to rent camping package without sleeping bag
Would like to rent specific camping gear
Additional info if you want to rent camp gear
Specify if you´d like any specific camping gear
How are you getting here?
Public Transport
By Car
Haven´t decided yet
If you travel here with public transport, we can help you book a taxi from Söderköping to us. Just let us know.
Additional info or questions
Let us know if you have any quations or information you´d like us to know.