If you have NOT registered before, press "log in" in the top right corner, "create a new account" and fill in your details. Use an email account you continuously check, as it is to that address you will be notified if you get on the class from a waiting list. Your contact details will only be available to employees at CrossFit Norrort.
Click on the class you want to attend, select "new participation". Click in the box "send e-mail" and you will automatically receive an email if you join the waiting list. Then press "create participation".
To cancel, click on the pass you want to cancel and then on the small notepad to the right of your name. Select "delete participation".
Cancellation must be made no later than 3 hours before the class. In case of urgent obstacles later than that, send an text message to Maria or Amandus (phone numbers on the website). Cancellations closer than 30 minutes before the start and not showing up at all will be charged SEK 180 per and is payed in the box.
Please contact us at or call 070-925 69 35 if you have problems logging in.